Article: 5 Tips to Develop Your Intuition
5 Tips to Develop Your Intuition
Shop the Peach Moonstone Pendant
This week we're focusing on our Peach Moonstone jewellery, a crystal used for intuition, insight and love. Deepak Chopra says 'Intuitive skills are inside all of us. Intuition is always there for us, to guide, protect and help us develop. As we grow into adulthood, we may push this intuition to the side to conform to what society says we should do. The more we do this, the less we tend to listen to that little voice or those gut feelings. And like anything else in life, when you stop using it, you can lose it. A muscle must move, an eye must see, a brain must think; the same holds true for the intuitive process." Read on to learn about Chopra's five ways to develop your intuition.
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1. Meditate
Meditation can be beneficial for almost anything in life, including helping you access intuition. There are several states of consciousness described in Silva Method. Beta is a normal level of consciousness. Alpha is a relaxed awarenss, theta is a state of meditative trance, and delta is a state of transcendental experience. Of those four mental states, alpha is the level that helps you learn, memorise, interact and read the thoughts and emotions of others and yourself. The alpha state of the brain also relates to meditation. A daily meditation practice helps you control this alpha state, and therefore control the intuitive process.
2. Cultivate a Healthy Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is a small gland in the brain the size of a grain of rice. If you place one finger on your third-eye and one just above your ear, and you could have the two fingers meet in the brain, this is the location. The pineal gland regulates your circadian rhythm and helps your brain enter the meditatiin state easier by the alpha state of consciousness. Tuning your third-eye Chakra is the area to concentrate on for heightened intuitive abilities. Balance in this area can be tuned by daily meditation and yoga practices. Up the intensity of tuning by incorporating the colour indigo around the home and office, carry or wear healing crystals such as an amethyst, and consciously focus your mind on the area between the eyebrows each day.
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3. Make it a Game
Think of simple iteams, colours or situations. Create the vision in your mind and watch as your intuition guides you through certain scenarios. For your first try, notice how long it takes for your intuition to speak to you. Notice if the answers to certain items or situations come faster than others. If so, what do they have in common? Play with these optimal outcomes and try to gain an object, this time faster than the previous effort. Keep your goals simple; it will help you receive answers on a more regular basis because the game is more likely to hold your attention. As the intuitive muscle builds and subconscious declines, you can increase the complexity of your goals. This is purposely manifesting. Manifestation is the main reason to tune your intuition. Making a game of this intuitive strength will create excitement, show the universe this is a goal, and keep you focused. Focus plus intention equals results.
4. Live in the Now
It becomes difficult for your intuition to speak to you if your mind is in the past or the future. Lao Tzu said 'If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. The gift intuition works best when the mind is in the present. Pain caused in the past can take over the mind. The future can seem frightening. At this point even when the intuitive process can send you signals loud and clear, your fear will allow the subconscious mind to override those signals. The 'now' is the place where intuition resides. Your higher self has no concept of our earthly time.
5. Take to Your Higher Self
Intuition is yourself, your higher self, that is. Creator, the Universe, or your soul are all patiently waiting your instruction, more than happy to guide you. How do you speak to yourself? Consider and consciously choose your inner dialogue and language. Choose your dialogue wisely to ensure your desires don't get skewed.
Read more via Deepak Chopra's website, click here to visit.
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