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Labradorite Large and small stand alone Pebble from Madagascar

Sale price£80.00

  • 2 pebbles AAA quality from Madagascar 
  • Our supplier is Madagascan and own  his mine 
  • Stand alone with mesmerising blue strikes 
  • The marge one Measures 9 cm X 8 cm X 3 cm 
  • The small one Measures 6cm X 6 cm X 4 cm
  • You will get those in the photos , perfect for Fensgshui


  • Labradorite is a feldspar mineral.  The crystals are often found in thin and tabular shapes with colors ranging from purple to grey blue, green, yellow, and brown. The mineral has a pearly sheen and some specimens have a schiller effect. Labradorite conveys courage and mysticism. 

    Labradorite is a mineral of the plagioclase feldspar group, and this beautiful crystal consists of both albite and anorthite.

    Similar feldspars include Sunstone, Moonstone, and Amazonite. 

Labradorite is primarily associated with the Third Eye Chakra in the forehead's center. This chakra is associated with intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual awareness. Labradorite's energies can help activate and balance the Third Eye Chakra, enhancing psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual connection.

The beautiful aura of this stone is said to assist in emotional stability, foster spiritual development, and heighten intuitive abilities. It is believed that the relaxing and comforting energy of Blue Labradorite can aid in emotional equilibrium and the reduction of tension and anxiety.
